Monday, May 30, 2011


today is freeeeeee day :)
bcus we have teacher's day celebration @ HOC
it was a very damn damn late celebration -.-
sat with my lovessssssssss one  ♥ 

Vicky ♥   

ruby , peiyee , sheelyaul , me and vicky ♥ 

Thursday, May 26, 2011

American Idol 2011

Scotty get the 1st in American Idol this season !
he had romantic and damn 'lam' voice

but ..
i still support Haley ♥eventhough she just get the 3rd placing
bcus she have such a damn awesome voice ! and Jennifer Lopez said she is more suitable to became a singer
i love and i'll support her forever :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

my new name, Anna
and my new blog link :)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

21052011 dating with my hubby ♥

time pass so fast and today is the day dat dating with my beloved hubby ! ♥ 
awwwwwwwwwww miss him so much :'(

went Leisure Mall by taking taxi alone from Jusco Balakong
reach there then we watch Priest
it's awesome ! go and watch it

then went 叹茶屋 have our lunch at there
have the Rose de Jasmine tea
smell nice and taste nice too ! will go there with baby again hehe
in love with there d haha

then went back early :( miss my baby so much !
will meet him again when my birthday !! wish the time pass faster :)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

17052011 Sunway Pyramid day

have breakfast at food court near my house
then me and daddy mummy decide to go Sunway Pyramid
bcus we long time no go there d

bought a rompers from Miss Selfridge
bought it for RM209 after student discount
it only discount 10% for secondary and uni/college student available every Tuesday and Thursday and ONLY at Sunway Pyramid :)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

13052011 bro's birthday @ Restaurant Hee Lai Ton

firstly , happy birthday to my bro!
we celebrated his birthday at Restaurant Hee Lai Ton with all my uncles and aunties :)

outfit for the day @ Restoran Hee Lai Ton ♥ 

and this is my bro, Ranson Leow ♥ 

Friday, May 6, 2011


baby come back school today
and we celebrated baby , Lucas , Kah Chun and Kah Ming's birthday at canteen during lunch :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

happy birthday to my baby Winfred Ng ♥

today is my baby Winfred Ng birthday :)
happy birthday my baby !
i want do cake for him d but too bad my mummy dun let me do cake during school hours :(
but nvm lar , at least i bought something special for my baby
wish he like it :)
i love you baby hehe

Monday, May 2, 2011

Pavilion with the loves

 went Pavilion with parents just now
have our breakfast at food republic
then went Madam Kwan to find peiyee :)
have shopping with her
bought topshop and super heroes tee

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Edmond's bbq party

made cappucino pudding today
and it was the worst pudding i ever have taste ! so yuck ==

then went Edmond house @ 6pm for his sis birthday bbq party
attendance : me , peiyee , yap minn , peiyee's bro , edmond , jiensiang , kahchun , yowchuan , richie ( still got who ? i forgotten )
not ate too much bcus started to rain :(
then we went for sing k at upstair
we sang not too many and i my daddy fetch me at 9.30 :(
dat was too early ! hais too bad

we took this pic is perpersly want let the what what li yoong see d
want let her see 3 girls surround her lover and it was jiensiang haha