Monday, June 27, 2011

Sabah 2 days 1 night


woke up at 3.30 am ! only slept for 3 hours == !
went LCCT and go sabah cousins :)
my flight started at 7.30 am and reach there around 10+
then have our lunch at there yummmmmmmmmmy
then shop shop shop

then we went to see the crocodile show
1 word to describe - sien !
then go the top of the mountain and eat steamboat buffet
i ate alot of prawns
eat dou full full then go see the beautiful scenery


woke up at 8.30 am then have a seafood bak ku teh as breakfast
omg ! really in love with it
kl dun have seafood bak ku teh , here got :)

then we went to English tea house have a tea
there is a really quite romantic place if you went there with your boyfriend/girlfriend
you can have a wedding at there too !
daddy ask me to have a wedding at here when i want get married ! haha
i will be marry with Winfred Ng

then have our dinner at there too
having lots of seafood again !
then have a flight at 9 and reached KL at 12

Friday, June 24, 2011

finished my exam today ! :)
no blog for a week d bcus idk what to blog
so .. will be less blog d

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Brand : Opera
Size : 39
High hell inch : 1 inch
Price : RM50 ( before is RM53.90 )
Colour : light brown with blue ribbon

100% new ! i wear it only ONCE ! and not even more than 30 mins
anyone wants it just cbox me or inbox me in fb :)

2 weeks holiday :)

there is a mid-term holiday for 2 weeks from last 2 weeks ago ..
i'm so busy on dat 2 weeks bcus my elder sis is back from Singapore !
my time is full full full bcus being a babysister ==
now there is some pic dat i took it from my sis iphone ..
enjoy :)

me and second sis at Paviliaon Crystal Jade Restaurant :)

me and my baby lucius :)

elder sis, luvelle and me at KLCC

swimming day at sis house ! luvelle is wearing my orange bikini haha

KLCC day with baby Luvelle :)

swimming day at sis house ! :)

don't you feel this is damn funny ? haha

Thursday, June 9, 2011

unforgottable 08072011 ♥

damn sorry for the late post
bcus nowadays were so busy for being a babysister ==
everyday i'm pavi , ts , sw and sunway pyramid with sis and mum


at last , i'm 15 now ! :)
have dinner with my family and my siblings at restaurant
sis helped me to make a temporary curly and i love it ♥


today is the most unforgottable date with my baby  ♥
we went pavi , farenheit 88 , lot 10 , sw and ts by bus from jusco together :)
my shoe damn damn spoil like hell d .. and we went sw 6th to buy a new shoe and throw my old ones
then back to pavi have a X-Men First Class movie

then we sat lrt back and take taxi together :)
really have a really happy day dat baby accompany for my birthday ..
i love you my baby  ♥