Sunday, October 30, 2011

Friday, October 21, 2011


dating with my boy♥ to Jusco today
while waiting him, i have my lunch myself at mcdonald:)
very very very long din eat mcdonald d:)

then we went greenbox together:)
never sing for a long time

Thursday, October 13, 2011

13102011 Pavi day

went Pavilion with my sis and mum today
then went for Snowflakes
then meet with babeeeees at there. too bad din take photos with them:( and i can't join them
bcus my nephew don't know what the hell happen keep crying then we need early back d:(

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


have a dating with my love at Leisure Mall
we want watch Johnny English Reborn d but too bad full:( so we watch The Smurfs

Monday, October 10, 2011

PMR over

PMR is over and I'm officially back now!
I'm free now and can't waiting for outing now!
wonder how many A's i would get..... wish won't dissappointed myself bcus i had study so hard for thie few days:')