Thursday, December 30, 2010

new haircut


today wake up early and get ready to go Pavilion :)
went there with mum, bro, elder sis and second sis, luvelle and lucius
we went there around 12 something
but we haven't take our breakfast yet and we took our breakfast at Madam Kwan
i ordered Char Kue Teow :)
really very nice
they all keep take my mee and eat and all say nice LOL

then we went for shop
and we bought nothing there
bcus of Lucius keep crying at there
dun know what happen ==
of course i'm not forgotten to buy
Sticky ♥ 

after dinner , we went Jusco Cheras Selatan
Lucius cry again bcus ask us to buy car for him
too bad , it costs RM169
so of course we won't buy for it
then went to buy my school socks
all long 1 so i went the 2nd floor there and found the shorts 1 :)


wake up at 10+ today
then we went to eat hot soup
we waiting for an hour !
then sis start her journey back to Singapore
i told my daddy i want cut my fringe bcus too long
so he bring me to Hairoom ♥ 
i told dat guy to cut until my eyes there and he so duo ye cut dou eyebrown there
really gek sei me D:
now my fringe is so short ! :'(

decide to tie like this to school :)

next post :
countdown @ IOI mall

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

new nail colour ♥

having new nail colour on my hand again
this is the 5th time i change my nail colour ==

first , bloody red
second , peach skin colour
third , plain colour
fourth , light pink with silver on top
now , light bling bling pink

all this nail colour is from Elianto and Etude house

now i'm waiting my sis coming back from Singapore :)
maybe 6 oclock will be reach home
and i decide to sleep with my beloved nephew , Lucius
really miss him so much !
i most sayang d is him , what also buy for him d :D

Monday, December 27, 2010

me and my baby is getting worse and worse
we started argue days and days and get better during next day or a little while
maybe it's school holiday make us to be like this
i never see him for almost a month bcus my daddy is not free
we wish to be like last time during our schooling time
it was so fun and happy everyday
and smile every :)
but now ?
he say he never had a day happy .. me too !
he still very love me , but bcus of the holiday make us 冷淡
i hate school year end holiday !
1 or 2 weeks is nvm , but 1 month+ ! just fuck up o0o
every night i just cry like hell
bcus i really dun know what to do !
we everyday also dun have any topic to say
school is coming soon ! and we wish to be like last time , happy everyday and laugh everyday
i dun want to leave you and i dun want you to leave me
i just wish to be happy with you , THAT'S ALL !
i can dun want everything ! just want you to give me happiness then i happy d
i wish we can go through our 1st valentine , celebrate birthday with me and you , our 520 day and so on ..

sorry for my babeees 
not i dun want share my this feelings with you all
i just dun want this share this feeling and dun wanna cry anymore
i want to be happy !!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Sunway Pyramid

wake at 9 today
and have breakfast near my house
then we went Sunway Pyramid :)

 have our lunch at there
actually i want buy a lace singlet @ Cotton On
but too bad , there is a long queue
and i doesn't like to queue so long :(
then went FOS and bought 2 tee shirt @ RM45 and 2 singlet @ RM19
then went and buy Elianto nail colour :)

dats all for today :)
stay tuned for the next post

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Merry Christmas everyone :) ♥ 
suppose today want go Midvalley
when we reach there , too many cars d ;(
so we decide to go KLCC

too bad i can't find a christmas hat :(
i want to buy and take a picure

back to my topic :)

went to KLCC @ 12 pm
there is a long jam when we are on the way


then we went to Isetan first
then we started hungry and went Dome for our lunch :)
have my nasi lemak and mango tandago

then we started to shop shop shop
i told my mum i want to buy the MNG singlet with the logo there
but she doesn't let me buy :( suan
next time i ownself out with sis and buy myself
then we have our lunch at Dome :)
eventhough is expensive but delicious

then we shop shop shop
then went Parkson and bought a jumpsuit @ Island shop
50% discount and RM80+ only

then i went to find high heels
too bad there is no nice 1 for me :(
i went to the topshop and just see some clothes
a salesman said my shoes is nice and where i buy dat and how much
i told him all LOL
i told my dad this and he laughing like hell , idk why he laugh like hell ==

then then then
we went home at 6
then cooked mushroom soup myself and ate all myself
almost cut dou my hand D: scared d
then 9 pm went Tesco and buy some household

stay tuned for the next post :)

Thursday, December 23, 2010


tmrw is peiyee's christmas bbq party at her house
maybe chenye will fetch me there
but i need ask my parents first

yesterday night have dinner with my cousins
uncle and aunty
grandma and grandpa
i not very close with all my cousins
just wait them to talk to me -.-

cousins :)
just me and bro no peace 

cousins and grandpa and grandma
i look weird D:

today went KPJ again and visit my daddy
i told my dad my hp got some problem
and my mum say , if you have good result then buy phone for me
and my dad say , ask your mum buy iphone 4 for you lar
also dun know real anot d
then i really get good result and my mum sure say , i just say only ma also not real d
dat time really need fight with her d