Saturday, December 18, 2010

new blog :)

hey people :)
this is my new blog ♥
this is my previous blog -
this blog have lock for few months , so this blog i'm not going to lock it unless my sis saw my blog again ==
actually i want use this new blog for next year but i can't wait it for my new life to post here
eventhough this is not the first time i open blog , but i still have to intro myself for the new readers :)

I didn't have any christian name so everyone called me Pian. My another nickname is Huai Dann. I'm sweet 14 this year. Grow older every 7 June. I studied at Seri Suria when I Junior 1. I stayed at Kajang when I was born. I am pure chinese but I just know how to read some only. I crazy in love with purple colour ( eventhough my blog is not in purple colour bcus there is some problem with the 'Design' ). I really in love Khalil 方大同, I love his song so much :) I loved dooodolls, domo-kun, red rose and wanna collects Union Jack flag stuff .

Of course I'm not forgotten to say
I'm taken by Winfred Ng Kuok Tye 黄国泰
we start our love story on 2/4/2010

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