Monday, January 10, 2011

LG lollipop 2 blue

changed my blogskin :)
i'm so bored with my brown pink flower layout and now change to the white and red ribbon
i still not satisfied with this blogskin
i still finding the nice one

suddenly in love with LG lollipop 2 blue
it is so lovely and cute :)
but many ppl say , Malaysia no see this brand :( but i still want to check
if still can't find then i decide to buy LG lollipop 1 pink

today when on the way to school
i can't find my clip !
hais so decide to tie my hair super super high ==

tak biasa lagi
 many ppl ask me issit cut hair jor == why so short ?!

then cook black pepper fish fillet for baby :)
this is the first time i cook for baby

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