Thursday, April 28, 2011

Blessssssssss ♥

he is coming next Friday !! can't wait anymore
wish the time can pass quickly and reach the day :D
wish he can come :) blesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss
i miss him so much !! :'( do anyone know the feel miss someone so much ? not everyone knows the feel
wish next Monday Labour Day can go for shopping and prepare the present for him

i miss you and i love you my baby

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Grape Pudding

boring day :(
and i miss him so much !
11 more days to go and i can't wait to see him !
wish he can come back to school and celebrate his birthday with us :)

tata :) 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

16042011 Sport's Day

sorry for the late post ><
bcus i'm waiting for the pic from my babeeeeeeee

now lets start the story :)

daddy brought me to school and reach school at 7.30 am
sport events dun know start at what time and i've join the marching band :)
after marching then quickily change shirt bcus i wont wear the marching band shirt and walk everywhere ==
then took pics with my babees and friends :)

then went leisure mall by taking taxi
have neway with them until 5 pm and went back to lm for waiting to see 丁当
she is quite beautiful lar and damn love her voice :)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

只要你在我身边,一切都是假的 ♥

sorry .. i know i'm sucks
i know i'm not enough perfect for you
what i say to you , you will think i'm talking craps
but for me no
what i say is all from my heart
you dun believe is okay , i dun mind you dun believe me
but i will try my very hard best to prove it to you what i say
i know you dun want find people to spy me , but i wish you find people to spy me
dun care how much i say , you will think i'm talking craps .. but the fact is i din talk craps

when you're not by my side , i am so lonely ..
the feeling is like i'm the only people in this world
i tried to be happy , but failed
i tried to laugh , but for a few minutes i'm sad again
do you know the feel ?
i am so damn miss you , do you know ?
i wish i can talk phone with you and share alot of my things , do you know ?
i want to share my lifes and what am i doing , do you know ?
i want to let you know everything about me so you will know what am i doing ..
i don't mind what you do to me just now
maybe all the girls will mind , but i'm the only girl i dun mind
i always try to be a 'serious' girl but to bad , i'm a soft-hearted girl
so what you done to me just now , i dun even mind about it
as long you're beside me , everything is just a fake

don't ask me what happen , i won't say out
i just want to share out my feelings
if you think , why i don't want to say out but why want share feelings at here ?
i will answer you 4 words ..
This is my blog . 
thank you 

Saturday, April 16, 2011

stay tunned for the next post :)

next post : school sports carnival and leisure mall
stay tunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnned :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

get 2nd for 200m this year again :'(

get 2nd for 200m this year again :(
i suppose get 1st d but at last i slow down bcus i too tired and peiyee catch up me :O
so the same person get 1st and 2nd haha
will try my very best for 200m next year again :) jiayou for myself

this Saturday after sport we go leisure mall for sakae sushi :D
cant wait d !! *
wish my baby boy can go bah :(
pray pray pray ~ god bless me and him   
i really miss him very much :(

Monday, April 11, 2011

super fake smileeeeeee :)

super fake smile :)

tmrw going for track event @ IKBN
good luck for myself and all the blue house members :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

thank you to my friends ♥

thank you to all my friend those who cheer me up at school , facebook and msn :)
thank you you all dat accompany at school today
i will try my best to cheer up myself and not to sad and cry anymore
because I had promise him not to cry and i must do it for him
i will try my best to be happy and smile :)

thank you all my friends :') ♥

i miss you :'( ♥

i will be missing you very much
not just me , all your babe too
now we will less meet , so everytime we meet we must be happy
really very happy with you during school hours
we laugh , we play , we joke together
really miss the moment during in school and there is a lot of memories too
now you can't accompany anymore and i will be always alone

take care , my baby boy
what i promise you i will make it and you too , okay ?
and i promise you dun cry anymore
i miss you and i love you too :')  ♥

Saturday, April 2, 2011

happy 1st anniversary ♥

 happy 1st anniversary my baby   
you're apart of my life and very important too
you always made me happy and accompany ..
i will appreciate you :)
thank you for all

and of course ,
thank you for the Cupipi as my 1st anniversary present
i love you