Sunday, April 17, 2011

只要你在我身边,一切都是假的 ♥

sorry .. i know i'm sucks
i know i'm not enough perfect for you
what i say to you , you will think i'm talking craps
but for me no
what i say is all from my heart
you dun believe is okay , i dun mind you dun believe me
but i will try my very hard best to prove it to you what i say
i know you dun want find people to spy me , but i wish you find people to spy me
dun care how much i say , you will think i'm talking craps .. but the fact is i din talk craps

when you're not by my side , i am so lonely ..
the feeling is like i'm the only people in this world
i tried to be happy , but failed
i tried to laugh , but for a few minutes i'm sad again
do you know the feel ?
i am so damn miss you , do you know ?
i wish i can talk phone with you and share alot of my things , do you know ?
i want to share my lifes and what am i doing , do you know ?
i want to let you know everything about me so you will know what am i doing ..
i don't mind what you do to me just now
maybe all the girls will mind , but i'm the only girl i dun mind
i always try to be a 'serious' girl but to bad , i'm a soft-hearted girl
so what you done to me just now , i dun even mind about it
as long you're beside me , everything is just a fake

don't ask me what happen , i won't say out
i just want to share out my feelings
if you think , why i don't want to say out but why want share feelings at here ?
i will answer you 4 words ..
This is my blog . 
thank you 

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