Sunday, February 6, 2011

CNY :)


wake at 12pm then having vegeterian breakfast :)
then just stay at home ant watch tv
idk why my daddy never bring us go bai nian :( so saddddddddddd

then sis back from Singapore le :D
have dinner with them together then we go second sis house :)


we all 1 big family eat breakfast together :)
then we go our grandma house and we get some angpows too
then me , sis , jie fu and jie fu's sis went Sg Wang
very long no go sw d
many shops a closed
and too bad is , 6th floor shops is ALL closed :(
too bad
and i just bought a Union Jack shirt and pearl headband
( sorry for unavailable shirt photo bcus i too lazy -.- )

then have dinner at Restaurant Hee Lai Ton
after dinner , i followed sis to sis's friend house
there is so boring at noisy
some are gambling , and the kids is playing ps2 and others
and i just sit there alone and eat and drink LOL


Jeslyn, Zi Sin, Pei Yee, Julian, Yoke Kwan and Ah Jun came my house today :D
then we took alot alot alot of pichassssssss
but in Ah Jun and Zi Sin camera :)


yesterday 3:30am only sleeeeeeep
bcus keng gai and gambling with bro and jie fu
then wake at 10.15am then ready go sgwang again at 12
then have our breakfast at Madam Wong
it is so damn expensive and taste bad to eat :(
then we started to shop then went Lot 10
then have our tea at Kayu Nasi Kandar mamak
taste nice and the service is good too :)
and i bought a lace rompers, vintage high heels and a headphone at sgwang :)
spend RM200+ inlcude the things i bought and sponsor RMXX for my sis to buy the mascara
then went home at 7 then have our dinner together :)

top and shorts from sgwang :)

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