Saturday, February 12, 2011

Guava pudding

after piano then went Giant alone
then bought milo and guava pudding
went home and started to make pudding
but too bad , i failed :(
taste lembik , maybe i add alot of water

then went Mines Kenny Roger for our dinner
bcus bro is went to nic's party
then bought some things at Gramedia bookstores
the colour paper is made in others country and maybe is good quality LOL

 africa orange colour , made in France RM5.90 5 sheets only
gold dust colour , made in England RM7.35 10 sheets only

 then tell my daddy i want buy Juicy Couture watch
but just at outlet fashion so more cheap
RM199 only if at the juicy shop is RM800
so of course i bought at outlet some more got 1 year waranty

dats all for today and thankiuu to daddy
i love you lar LOL    

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