Sunday, March 27, 2011



went piano class as usual
then went to buy some organic mee and some food stuff
then have a sleep at house around 3 hours +

have bath then get ready for wedding dinner @ KL
we lost for 1 hour ( maybe ) , we followed the map on the wedding card
and the map is wrong ! sad case :(
then mum say , if still can't find the restaurant then we really zhi gei sek zhi gei jor
then we found the restaurant
is all vegetarian and  i hate vegetarian food
bcus all is made from flour

finish our dinner , we still not enough full
then we went to other place for our supper


woke at 6 am , and i still sleeeeeeeeepy  :O
bcus yesterday night almost 2 am only sleep
then daddy and mummy fetch me to school
and have bus to seminar at Universiti Malaya
1 of the student attitude from CBN school was likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... sucks
she said , Seri Suria tak pernah dengar pun
our school quite famous and you say you never hear
some more CBN no one know this school LOL
CBN = Convent Bukit Nanas ==
who heard before ? no one LOL

Sunday, March 20, 2011

19032011 Mines ♥

yesterday went Mines with daddy and mummy
mummy said she dun want to cook LOL
so we went there and having our dinner Nando :)
we have RM60 voucher for Nando and we use it all
not enought full :O
then went to bookstore
i bought some revision exercise book
bcus i want to study liao :D

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Out with my love one ♥

out with my love one today :)
and he is my beloved baby

outfit for the day :
red singlet from FOS , jeans short from Mines , red handbag from LongChamp and zipped shoe from Swiss Polo

we went Mines by bus from Jusco
then have shop awhile at Mines and i've bought a protection case for my phone and screen protector sticker
last time i went to the shop with Julian and wanted to buy dat pants but haven't try yet
but when i try , feel disappointed :( i thought will be nice but when i wear it , it look so fat :O
then we went The Chicken Rice Shop for our lunch/breakfast :)
so damn expensive :O bought it at the normal food court also just RM10+ for 2 set
but this RM22+ -.-

then we went back to Jusco by taxi :)
i've bought the Dooodolls Orange Butch
baby ask me to buy it bcus Orange Butch horoscope is Taurus and he is Taurus too :)
so he can always by my side lor hehe :)

this cute Orange Butch was hang on my phone now ! :)

actually we want to watch cinema , but still left 3 hours+
if watch cinema liao , later dun know what to do sure boring
so we decide went Greenbox :D
very long no go Greenbox d

the most sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet us :) haha 

suppose finish at 5pm d but my daddy ask me early back :(
so went OldTown and find my daddy
sad case can't pui baby :'( but still happy can out with him together today

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

I ♥ Juicy Couture and Chanel

i want so much things ! :(
i want Juicy Couture watch , bracelet and necklace so badly
i wish my daddy will buy it for me for my birthday presentttttttttttt haha

and everyone love Chanel , agreeeeeee ?
it is so expensive and it cost around RM10 000+ issit ?

Nicole Richie have the red one :(
in this age of course i won't get it but try to save money sure can buy dou 1 day ~ haha

Saturday, March 12, 2011

xperia x8 ♥

today bro bring me go Jusco Equine Park to buy phone
now i have new phone and it is Xperia X8
and i've got a new number too
those who want my new number cant contact me by msg or fb :)
xperia x8 quite okay lar but taking pic is the WORST

Friday, March 11, 2011

this post is to express my feeling
dun like then just leave , no one will stop you

not i want to angry and scold you
but just feel unfair !
from last year i liked w995 and i no tell you
eventhough tell you , you also won't buy it for me
and i no mention about w995 anymore
and now my phone is lost and you say you will buy phone for me
i suppose to be very happy bcus i got chance to buy w995
but what you answer me ?
you say this phone so long liao , later ppl say me outdated
i outdated is my business
everyone knows dat w995 is a good phone
you say i follow friends buy and the truth is i like myself d
i no follow my friends
eventhough my friends are using but i never think before i want follow them
you say phone can call and sms then can d , no need buy so expensive
okay ! this is what you say
but bro want buy iphone4 then buy for him lar issit ?
why dun you just tell him phone no need buy so EXPENSIVE
i want w995 cannot lar ? he want iphone4 then can lar issit ?
w995 not even rm1000 and iphone 4 rm2000+
if 2000+ is cheap for you then rm1000 cheaper lor ?
you 2 keep force me buy xperia x8 , but before you ask me buy ever you all ask me i like it anot ?
i like other 1 then at there duo duo ye say so much things
i dun like xperia also dun have talk so much , and i just say i dun like xperia bcus very lag
everyone say is lag , only your fucking friend and you say damn good
you of course say damn good lar , bcus only 600+ only ma
cheap ma of course , you can ask daddy save money to buy your NIKON CAMERA ma
dun think idk you want buy dat new camera ! dad told us d !
you got macbook , iphone 4 , sport honda civic .. and now you want nikon camera , what you want some more ?! coming soon is banglo house aa ?
you think daddy very rich issit ?
i never ask daddy buy so expensive things for me d lor
my most expensive things from daddy is 200+ only and dats only a schoolbag
all your expensive things is over 1000
you want 1000+ can lar ? i just BELOW 1000 also cannot aa ?
so you think you are the only son very big ? PUI !
you think you just like iphone4 ? i like also okay ?
i want it so badly but i wont waste daddy so much money
and 800+ is counted good price d
try to vs your 2000+ iphone4 la
i bet after June you sure want iphone5 d la issit ?

i just want to say
i have my own freedom to choose what i want !
you have freedom to choose and i have the freedom to choose too
w995 will be mine ! you dun try to stop me please
eventhough this phone is so long d , but still can use d okay ?
not mean old phone cannot use
old phone not mean is bad phone , more old more good okay ?!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

2 days life without phone

2 days life without phone , without sms with my beloved baby ..
is so damn suffer !
hate dat idiot who stole my phone D:
bro say yesterday bring me buy phone and he have extra class in uni
this is a super super sad case !
and i'm too boring ! :(
so i decide to share my Form 1 till now d photos LOL

Sweet 13 , 2009   

Sweet 14 , 2010 ♥  

Sweet 15 , 2011  
this the now me :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

phone lost :(

to my readers

please don't ever call my phone number d
bcus don't know which bastard/bitch/sh stole my phone
and my daddy ask to cancel the number
and dat ppl not dare to pick my phone and rejected my phone
will get a new number and phone by this week :)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Pei Yee's house

today first time went to Pei Yee's new house at Belimbing Hill
reached there around 12 pm then teach her maths :)
then we fetch Ping Jun there too :)

exam start on next Monday
have to start study d but haven't touch any books yet
hrmmm , i suppose enjoy my form 3's life
but there is some problem dat made me so tired and pressure !
of course not about the pmr , i not worry of dat also ==
just having some school problem and of course i won't mention it at here
just keep in heart enough
but i won't give up , i won't bcus 1 of the tree and give up all the forest
cheer up myself :D

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

11th month anniversary ♥

today is our sweet 11th month anniversary :)
awwwwwwwwwww love today :)
we played badminton together
bla bla bla ..
everyday also have a very happy day with him
and i appreciate him well :)