Thursday, March 17, 2011

Out with my love one ♥

out with my love one today :)
and he is my beloved baby

outfit for the day :
red singlet from FOS , jeans short from Mines , red handbag from LongChamp and zipped shoe from Swiss Polo

we went Mines by bus from Jusco
then have shop awhile at Mines and i've bought a protection case for my phone and screen protector sticker
last time i went to the shop with Julian and wanted to buy dat pants but haven't try yet
but when i try , feel disappointed :( i thought will be nice but when i wear it , it look so fat :O
then we went The Chicken Rice Shop for our lunch/breakfast :)
so damn expensive :O bought it at the normal food court also just RM10+ for 2 set
but this RM22+ -.-

then we went back to Jusco by taxi :)
i've bought the Dooodolls Orange Butch
baby ask me to buy it bcus Orange Butch horoscope is Taurus and he is Taurus too :)
so he can always by my side lor hehe :)

this cute Orange Butch was hang on my phone now ! :)

actually we want to watch cinema , but still left 3 hours+
if watch cinema liao , later dun know what to do sure boring
so we decide went Greenbox :D
very long no go Greenbox d

the most sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet us :) haha 

suppose finish at 5pm d but my daddy ask me early back :(
so went OldTown and find my daddy
sad case can't pui baby :'( but still happy can out with him together today

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