Sunday, March 27, 2011



went piano class as usual
then went to buy some organic mee and some food stuff
then have a sleep at house around 3 hours +

have bath then get ready for wedding dinner @ KL
we lost for 1 hour ( maybe ) , we followed the map on the wedding card
and the map is wrong ! sad case :(
then mum say , if still can't find the restaurant then we really zhi gei sek zhi gei jor
then we found the restaurant
is all vegetarian and  i hate vegetarian food
bcus all is made from flour

finish our dinner , we still not enough full
then we went to other place for our supper


woke at 6 am , and i still sleeeeeeeeepy  :O
bcus yesterday night almost 2 am only sleep
then daddy and mummy fetch me to school
and have bus to seminar at Universiti Malaya
1 of the student attitude from CBN school was likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ... sucks
she said , Seri Suria tak pernah dengar pun
our school quite famous and you say you never hear
some more CBN no one know this school LOL
CBN = Convent Bukit Nanas ==
who heard before ? no one LOL

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