Thursday, December 30, 2010

new haircut


today wake up early and get ready to go Pavilion :)
went there with mum, bro, elder sis and second sis, luvelle and lucius
we went there around 12 something
but we haven't take our breakfast yet and we took our breakfast at Madam Kwan
i ordered Char Kue Teow :)
really very nice
they all keep take my mee and eat and all say nice LOL

then we went for shop
and we bought nothing there
bcus of Lucius keep crying at there
dun know what happen ==
of course i'm not forgotten to buy
Sticky ♥ 

after dinner , we went Jusco Cheras Selatan
Lucius cry again bcus ask us to buy car for him
too bad , it costs RM169
so of course we won't buy for it
then went to buy my school socks
all long 1 so i went the 2nd floor there and found the shorts 1 :)


wake up at 10+ today
then we went to eat hot soup
we waiting for an hour !
then sis start her journey back to Singapore
i told my daddy i want cut my fringe bcus too long
so he bring me to Hairoom ♥ 
i told dat guy to cut until my eyes there and he so duo ye cut dou eyebrown there
really gek sei me D:
now my fringe is so short ! :'(

decide to tie like this to school :)

next post :
countdown @ IOI mall

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