Monday, January 31, 2011

Almond chocolate


cleaned the living room with family
wipe all the sofa, praying things and blablabla
afterdat daddy and bro sleeping and me and mummy were so boring
so we decided to make handmade almond chocolate

tadaaaaaaaaaa ~ done :)
and this chocolate is quality and 70% cocoa


wake at 10 something :)
then mummy told me the thief want in our house but he failed
bcus he come mm sou in :) lucky
but maybe will happen again :( papa jor

then cleaned my room until half then dun want clean le
bcus really too lazy jor :P

stay tuned for the next post :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

CNY celebration @ HOC


yesterday having CNY celebration at HOC
sat with baby , peiyee , sheel yaul , jeslyn , vki , timothy and others :)
supporting ojk together again
then used Ming Yau's camera to take alot of pictures
and i just share some :)

haha they say this cuteeeeeeeeee LOL
and thanks for Jeslyn for taking this cute pic for me haha

peiyee says i smile in this pic not nice
so i decide to cover :(

love this :)

and this i suppose point to baby
but idk why ming yau at there ==

then happen something dat i dun like
i really hate dat kind of feeling and i won't mention it at here
and yes , i admit i am the small gas person
but it happen at your ownself , and you will know the feeling

Thursday, January 27, 2011

300 days ♥

300 days ♥   

today is our lovely 300 days
we still have a long journey to go until forever
i love you forever too my Winfred Ng    

today is Esther and Kai Wen's birthday :)
happy birthday :)
wish Esther stay forever with Wai Chun nah
and for Kai Wen , please dun be so 38 always lar haha
then celebrated Chen Wei's birthday during lunch time :)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

CNY biscuit

after piano class then went home quickily
make biscuit together with mummy

tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~
finishedddddddddddddd :)
after fried then became golden yellow



after taking my dinner
then sis ask us accompany her to go Mines :)


PE time chatted with Kiyo :)
then teacher ask us play volleyball
after lunch, hall have chinese singing competition
sat with baby, vki, sheelyaul, timothy, tze kiong, ding xing bla bla bla
and many many more
we gather together to support OJK haha
some nice some not very nice
then OJK out hahaha
shout like hell d and started to sore throat liao haha
his singing are so good
but too sad :( he never win anything
disappointed liao hahaha
jiayouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu :)


suppose want help Kiko bath before going KLCC d
but today late wake d then lazy jor LOL
almost 3 weeks dun have bath d
then get ready and went KLCC with parents

went there and ate Dome as our breakfast
eat dou very very full
and the place we sat is damn cold then i went out first

then went Topshop
at first i really decide to buy dat dark blue high waist long pants
and my daddy agree and let me buy
but when i try on it
my dai bei there got abit loose and down there is skinny
but wear dou like i very short == so i never buy it at last :(
i wanted it so long d ! but now disappointed bcus not ngam me

then shop shop shop ~
went a boutique but i forgotten what name d
but is expensive d lar
then i try on it on the long sleeve shirt
i really damn love it ! but my mum keep say look like aunty
i say dun have
and it's only RM89.90
cheapest among all the clothes and she still dun let me buy :(

shop shop shop then went to Madam Kwan for our lunch :)
ordered Char Kuey Teow again
but the taste is different from Pavilion's Madam Kwan
not really nice :(

then i keep make noise and told them i really want dat red shirt
then go Video Ezy
they dun let me buy shirt then i buy dvd ==
and now my daddy agree i buy the Autumn's Concerto 下一站,辛福
last time he doesn't let me buy and now he let me buy d ==
but i watch before some episod and i never watch d

then when home at 4+

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jelly day

after piano class
then went Giant with mum :)
i decided to make some jelly for my baby ♥
so i bought a small packet of jelly powder
then went home and started to make jellyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

added some kiwiiiiiiiii fruit

tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~
is done :)

stay tunnedddddddddddddddddddddddddd for the next post :)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

start having pressuring from school nowadays
really having a very very BIG pressure !
just want have a comfortable surrounding for study
but ? at last it is more more more uncomfortable d
i just want to be happy ! i just want to be with him
this is just a so so so simple thing
why want make until so big problem ? *sigh*
i already very very suffer
i really dun know what to do already ! too suffer d
some more PMR have 9 months to go
you think 9 months is a long time ? not at all !
time pass very fast and i just want to concentrate on my studies
i dun want to face any difficulties ! really very suffer and pressure
i din have enough love from family !
they have give but i felt it is not enough ! everything is unfair for me
i feel i have not enough love from them and i found a boy who i love
he love me and i love him too
he can give me love , he care for me and i can always share my feelings with him
he is the one who i can trust ! i never have this type of feelings before
he bring back my smile and he always try to make me smile too
he is the one who can stop my habits
and he is also the one who can lend me shoulder to lay on
i love going to school bcus i can see him
i hate to be at home bcus i dun like to sit at home and heard my family talk all those nonsense and their action is unfair !
i love going school actually bcus i have so many friends that can trust
but now ? i hate going school bcus face all those this useless problem
still say school is our home ? teachers is our family ?
yes ! is suppose to be like this
but now ? i have to say sorry bcus now is not anymore
the most trusable teacher for me is victor
he is the one who can understand my feelings and he is the only one i can treat him as my 'father'
i love to talk to him , i love to share my feelings with him

all students have their OWN privacy
all students have their own facebook and blog
they have their right to say their feelings and dun like d things
but why you all want check and then come find us and ask us so many nonsense ?
i really dun understand !
they never say many bad things about school , they just say they dun like the teachers
this is just a very normal things , everyone also have the right to hate any teacher

what i want to say is finish
i have nothing to say already
and this is my blog and i have the right to write anything i like :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

happy birthday to my beloved sis

happy birthday to my beloved sis, Gabby
you're the most good and i most believe you liao
thankiuuuuuuuuuuuuu sis
you help me alot ! i'll appreciate you well
i love you :)

if you want so duo ye , i let you
you want how then how
i dun care you anymore
the most important thing is i got study 
i got concentrate in the class
i got do my homework
i got pass up hw on time
i got tuck in my shirt all the time
but i know i never hear you all and always wear short socks
i never ponteng already
and i never always play
eventhough i everyday with him , but never make dou involve in my studies
i know you dare to call my parents
but before you call them ,
please think yourself , whether i got study anot ? i got concentrate anot ? my attitude is bad anot ? i got pass up hw on time anot ? i got ponteng anot ? did i scold any single of bad words ?
i thought you are a very good ppl , understanding ppl ......
but , i'm wrong ! really see wrong you already

ohyaaaaaa , forgotten to say
what peiyee say is good and correct
you just know how to zhen dui me
you just catch me , you never catch others
you say i very obvious ? sorry lor
some of them MORE obvious than me !!

so , you want how i let you :)

to the most 'natural' person

Monday, January 10, 2011

LG lollipop 2 blue

changed my blogskin :)
i'm so bored with my brown pink flower layout and now change to the white and red ribbon
i still not satisfied with this blogskin
i still finding the nice one

suddenly in love with LG lollipop 2 blue
it is so lovely and cute :)
but many ppl say , Malaysia no see this brand :( but i still want to check
if still can't find then i decide to buy LG lollipop 1 pink

today when on the way to school
i can't find my clip !
hais so decide to tie my hair super super high ==

tak biasa lagi
 many ppl ask me issit cut hair jor == why so short ?!

then cook black pepper fish fillet for baby :)
this is the first time i cook for baby

Saturday, January 8, 2011

miss them :)

idk what to blog actually -.-

this year i'm Form 3 and 15 coming soon !! :)
nowadays having lunch with my baby and some baby's friends
apologise to my babees can't pui you all but i asked you to join with us
and you say you dun want == i won't force you
i'm so lonely and sleepy when i was in my class
no one chat with me and all those subjects is boring ;(
i miss my sr2 lifes , having fun with my classmate
laugh and sing everyday :) we share secrets tooooooo
so good if back to the past ♥ 

today when parkson and bought some stationaries
red pencilbox, light purple file, test pad and colour paper
i'm going to use the colour paper and make suprise for my baby ♥
hehe :)

after my dinner
i cooked myself mushroom soup for my supper
i love mushroom soup

tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~

stay tuned for the next post :)

Monday, January 3, 2011

tofu ♥


today is the first day of school :)
yesterday night sleep at 3am and wake at 6am
can't sleep in bus :(
reach school at 8+
late to school liao bcus having jam

having lunch time with baby, peiyee and timothy :)
then many ppl say i look like a girl in form 4 new student LOL
when i see her , where got look like her ?!
but many ppl say ==
and the most worst is , attitude almost the same -.-
then i told baby , dun hug wrong ppl aa ! haha

then some friends say my hair fringe look cute !
laugh sei me xD

then dismiss school baby gave me the tofu keychain
cost RM30+
so expensive
inside still got the signature
thanks baby