Thursday, January 13, 2011

start having pressuring from school nowadays
really having a very very BIG pressure !
just want have a comfortable surrounding for study
but ? at last it is more more more uncomfortable d
i just want to be happy ! i just want to be with him
this is just a so so so simple thing
why want make until so big problem ? *sigh*
i already very very suffer
i really dun know what to do already ! too suffer d
some more PMR have 9 months to go
you think 9 months is a long time ? not at all !
time pass very fast and i just want to concentrate on my studies
i dun want to face any difficulties ! really very suffer and pressure
i din have enough love from family !
they have give but i felt it is not enough ! everything is unfair for me
i feel i have not enough love from them and i found a boy who i love
he love me and i love him too
he can give me love , he care for me and i can always share my feelings with him
he is the one who i can trust ! i never have this type of feelings before
he bring back my smile and he always try to make me smile too
he is the one who can stop my habits
and he is also the one who can lend me shoulder to lay on
i love going to school bcus i can see him
i hate to be at home bcus i dun like to sit at home and heard my family talk all those nonsense and their action is unfair !
i love going school actually bcus i have so many friends that can trust
but now ? i hate going school bcus face all those this useless problem
still say school is our home ? teachers is our family ?
yes ! is suppose to be like this
but now ? i have to say sorry bcus now is not anymore
the most trusable teacher for me is victor
he is the one who can understand my feelings and he is the only one i can treat him as my 'father'
i love to talk to him , i love to share my feelings with him

all students have their OWN privacy
all students have their own facebook and blog
they have their right to say their feelings and dun like d things
but why you all want check and then come find us and ask us so many nonsense ?
i really dun understand !
they never say many bad things about school , they just say they dun like the teachers
this is just a very normal things , everyone also have the right to hate any teacher

what i want to say is finish
i have nothing to say already
and this is my blog and i have the right to write anything i like :)

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