Saturday, January 29, 2011

CNY celebration @ HOC


yesterday having CNY celebration at HOC
sat with baby , peiyee , sheel yaul , jeslyn , vki , timothy and others :)
supporting ojk together again
then used Ming Yau's camera to take alot of pictures
and i just share some :)

haha they say this cuteeeeeeeeee LOL
and thanks for Jeslyn for taking this cute pic for me haha

peiyee says i smile in this pic not nice
so i decide to cover :(

love this :)

and this i suppose point to baby
but idk why ming yau at there ==

then happen something dat i dun like
i really hate dat kind of feeling and i won't mention it at here
and yes , i admit i am the small gas person
but it happen at your ownself , and you will know the feeling

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