Saturday, January 8, 2011

miss them :)

idk what to blog actually -.-

this year i'm Form 3 and 15 coming soon !! :)
nowadays having lunch with my baby and some baby's friends
apologise to my babees can't pui you all but i asked you to join with us
and you say you dun want == i won't force you
i'm so lonely and sleepy when i was in my class
no one chat with me and all those subjects is boring ;(
i miss my sr2 lifes , having fun with my classmate
laugh and sing everyday :) we share secrets tooooooo
so good if back to the past ♥ 

today when parkson and bought some stationaries
red pencilbox, light purple file, test pad and colour paper
i'm going to use the colour paper and make suprise for my baby ♥
hehe :)

after my dinner
i cooked myself mushroom soup for my supper
i love mushroom soup

tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~

stay tuned for the next post :)

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